Saturday, February 9, 2013

When Life Happens.

When life happens, how do we handle it? Sometimes we cry, scream, space out or remain silent. There are situations that give us a technical knock-out (TKO) and not the Love TKO Teddy Pendergrass sang about. These life-altering situations include the death of a loved one, financial hardship, ailing health and the list goes on. When life happens, it normally catches us off guard; we don’t see it coming and we are unable to brace ourselves for the impact. 

In the midst of things falling apart, everything around us is moving. Time does not stop.  Our responsibilities do not vanish. Needs must be met and tasks must be completed, even in the midst of chaos. Indeed, it is a lot to juggle! But, in the end it is worth it.

We do our best to be responsible and prepare for as much as possible. However, we fail to realize that there are certain things we will not be ready for. Sometimes it is best to be caught off guard. It builds our character, tests our limits and strengthens our faith. We are to be tested to see how we handle life’s bitterness and success. Fortunately, in certain situations our Allegheny Mountains can prepare us for the Mt. Everest.  Although timing may catch us off guard, our prior victories give us assurance in knowing that "we shall overcome". 

Handling life does not mean we are meant to handle it alone. Ninety-nine percent of the time, someone else has experienced a similar situation. People are in our lives for a reason and can be a blessing. It is not weakness to admit you need help! Unfortunately, the rise of individualism and an “I/me” attitude has eroded our collective responsibility. As a result, society has a “pull yourself up by your bootstrap” mentality, which has diminished the need for my brother’s or sister’s keeper.

In 2008, majority of Americans experienced life in the midst of economic crises. Even as we fast-forward to 2013, we are still facing challenging times. These challenges are not going away anytime soon. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Now more than ever, we must rebuild our sense of community, reach out to each other and learn from our prior experiences.

I acknowledge that we all handle life differently. Some cleave to those around them, some push others out. But, what I have found that even in the midst of chaos and tragedy, peace is still attainable. How do we attain peace? Through prayer, you ask. 

So the question is, how will you handle life? Will you juggle all of life’s demands while going through a rough patch, seek the support of others around you or allow things to fall? 

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